Florian de Gelmini - Modalis
November 2020.
It all startet with a spark. It struck me out of nothing.
I haven't been doing solo-piano since I was studying piano with my teacher Wolfgang Saschowa,
25 years ago.
I read the sad news about Keith Jarret being unable to play - due to his strokes in 2018.
And I remembered:
I could do the same thing Jarrett does - improvising solo piano jazz for hours.
Not as virtuoso as the maestro, but anyhow.
And here it is: Modalis
Itunes: https://music.apple.com/de/album/modalis/1549556738
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2vjvm0Y8ycNGHLItEtkyxS?si=pPn9tQm9TeC8uF0yItzXYA
Two hours of modal jazz improvisation, unedited, pure, improvised.
If you like it, drop me a line.
Enjoy it.
Best, Florian
Modalis - Album Review
March, 5th, 2021.
Jacek Brun and Cosmo Scharmer of "Jazz-Fun" did an album
review of Modalis - and what a revire it is, but read yourself:
"Dieses Album ist ein ungewöhnliches Ereignis, eine Art künstlerisches Manifest, erklärt aus der Position eines zeitgenössischen Künstlers und Komponisten, der den großen Meistern der Improvisation huldigt. Florian macht keinen Hehl aus seiner Faszination für die Musik von Keith Jarrett. "Modalis" ist daher eine ganz bewusste Hommage an den Meister - Jacek Brun."
Read the full review here:
Modalis Review:
Enjoy it.
Best, Florian